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F Home Page ; aktuelle Position: Monteguidi


Monteguidi is castled, on the crest of some hills which flank the right...

...of the Cecina river.

The Cecina river

Feudal holding of the Aldobrandeschi which passed under the power of the bishops
of Volterra and eventually became part of the Republic of Sienna.

Monteguidi...Feudal holding of the Aldobrandeschi

The castle which has a characterist alongated design is crossed by the main street which connects,
from north to south, the two gates of the ancient walls which have now almost disappeared.

The map of castle

At the north east boundary of the ancient castle, near the northern door, we find
the parish church of Sant'Andrea and San Lorenzo.

Church of Saints Andrea e Lorenzo

The church, extensively restored, conserves the arch of the main entrance from the ancient roman edifice, some characteristic two colour work and the small door on the northem face
whict is surmounted by an arch similar to that of the main entrance.

Arch of the main entrance

The altar-piece by Alessandro Casolani shows the Madonna with baby,
on the right, Santa Caterina of Siena, on the left San Domenico...

The altar-piece

...at the bottom a group of priest on the left and women on the right.
In the centre, in distance, you can make out the church of Monteguidi.


The altar base is divided into fifteen compartments in which are shown the misteries
of the Rosary. It is kept in the museum at Casole.

The altar base

The southern door consist of, on the outside, a round arch in stone surmounted by traces of
shelving in brick, which was an out thrust defensive platform.

The southern door

Of the northern gate of the castle there remains a stone arch of notable thickness.


In the main street, Via Cavour there are still houses which have
medioeval elements and two squat stone towers.

The main street: Via Cavour

A notable typical house, with medioeval tower in sandstone, clearly lowered with only two original openings. The small window on the first floor surmounted with a round arch which is bricked in
and the entrance door shaped architrave which supports an ogival arch.

A tipical house

Turning your gaze towards the peaks of the Carline you can make out the plumes of the
sulfurous blasts which hang over the industrial plants.


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